On 29-30.07.2015 in Warsaw a dedicated to electronic flow of information within the company conference took place. Electronic flow of information should become a day-to-day foundation of each company. During our presentation „How quickly and effectively implement management processes and information flow - methods and best practices - Aurea BPM platform” and „Problems with the deployment of EOD class systems and BPMS and how to avoid them based on experience from implementations of Aurea BPM platform” we presented our system Aurea BPM as a solution that enables efficient modeling, implementation and monitoring and optimizing business processes in the organization and allows the electronic flow of information without restrictions in any enterprise.
Issues brought up during the conference were related to cloud documents, mobile solutions, workflow - business process management, secure printing and modern document archiving, mass printouts, automating invoice handling, enterprise portals inter / intra / extranet systems, OCR / OMR, PKI- electronic document , handwritten electronic signature, backup and archiving.
A wide public of recipients using discussed solutions appeared at the event. There were also many people from various sectors: information technology, banking, financial, insurance, government, telecommunications and industry.